
Future focused, results driven, and on your side

Corporate responsibility is a philosophy that embraces our core company values and ensures we produce smart solutions that respect our people and our planet. This philosophy finds form in three key pillars:

  • Environmental: We value the world in which we live—and continually work to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and products.
  • Social: We value the human rights of our employees and work diligently to improve the wellness and personal safety of our professionals and positively contribute to the communities near our facilities.
  • Governance: We value integrity and transparency—and work diligently to maintain the highest standards of ethical business practice.


As a global company, CommScope is exposed to risks at many levels. We are governed by multiple teams to create, direct and implement our sustainability strategy and maintain a thorough system of checks and balances designed to minimize social, environmental, physical and ethical risks.

    • The Board

      CommScope’s board of directors has ultimate responsibility for environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and practices.

    • The board’s committees

      The board’s three standing committees provide oversight and guidance for different aspects of ESG:
      - The Audit committee oversees our ethics and compliance program and matters related to ESG disclosures.
      - The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for environmental matters and the integration of ESG into governance matters.
      - The Compensation Committee oversees our ESG-related compensation incentives and targets, and strategies related to diversity, equity, inclusion and well-being.

    • The Executive Sustainability Council (ESC)

      Comprising individuals from our senior management team, members of the ESC meet at least annually, determine the overall Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) strategy, mission and goals, review corporate strategy and performance, and approve company-wide strategies and initiatives.

    • The Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability (ECS) Teams

      Team leaders and specialists who provide subject matter expertise and program management. They are responsible for determining best practices based on social, political, economic and environmental trends in the market and society, and legal and customer requirements; developing and maintaining company policies and initiatives; conducting internal audits; monitoring and reporting on CR&S performance; and coordinating with local teams at each facility to implement strategic initiatives, activities and best practices.

    • Support teams

      Senior-level cross functional leaders and local support teams who represent our internal functions and help translate our sustainability strategy into practice. Teams include roles like site director, HR manager, ethics officer, EHS specialist and supplier quality engineers (SQEs).

    • All employees

      Support the sustainability program and strategy, provide feedback and suggestions to drive improvement.


At CommScope, we periodically review the sustainability issues we face and capture input from our stakeholders to identify risks and opportunities, shape our strategy and clarify where to focus our resources. We consider a wide range of economic, environmental, social and governance topics. We set short-term and long-term goals related to several of our most relevant and material topics/aspects/issues and identified key performance indicators (KPIs) to manage performance and track progress.

Materiality Assessment, Strategic Priorities, Goals

The topics in the top-right quadrant of the materiality matrix were ranked highest in importance for both our stakeholders and our business success. This was based on qualitative and quantitative data from the materiality assessment. As a result, we have focused our CR&S strategy around these key material issues. This addresses our most significant impacts, while also aligning with the needs of our customers and stakeholders. The topics below the materiality threshold are not covered in as much detail but remain important to CommScope.

The identified ESG material topics were summarized in five material topic groups. Which we then used to outline our new CR&S strategy, strategic priorities and objectives and targets.

2024 Objectives and Targets



2024 objective/target is to:

Ethics and

Drive corporate responsibility
and sustainability in the business

  • Publish a 3rd-party assured Sustainability Report aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Reinforce the Ethics and Compliance training program, targeting a completion rate of more than 95%
  • Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our operations through analysis and, ultimately, adoption of externally approved science based GHG reduction targets (Scope 1, 2 and 3)

Our Business
and Facilities

Reduce the environmental
effects of our operations
and facilities

  • Reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by at least 2% by year-end 2024 (This target will be superseded by our SBTs)
  • Continue to maintain ISO14001 and ISO45001 certification at selected facilities
  • Achieve a 2% increase in waste recycled/reused/eliminated over 2023 volumes
  • At a minimum, maintain 2023 water usage performance normalized by total hours worked
  • At a minimum, maintain the 2023 EHS incident rate for the company 


Develop solutions that meet our customers’ current and future sustainability requirements

  • Using our internal life cycle assessment (LCA) capabilities, complete 3 different product line LCAs. Procure capabilities to generate HPD internally and create a HPD for Copper cables.
  • Connectivity and Cable Solutions (CCS) – Develop internal tools for sustainability reporting, complete product LCAs following the LCA roadmap, expand single-use plastic elimination program
  • Networking Indoor Cellular and Security Solutions (NICS) – Identify product efficiency improvement programs, including innovative and intelligent features to reduce power consumption and energy use in the operational mode
  • Outdoor Wireless Networks (OWN) – As the result of LCAs, increase the use of recycled and recyclable materials in our products and packaging, and propose new refurbishment services to our customers
  • Access Networks Solutions (ANS) – Continue active participation in driving the standards development for network energy efficiency and energy goals; including the European Commission’s Broadband Networking Equipment Code of Conduct and the Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers’ (SCTE’s) Energy Management Subcommittee  

Supply Chain

Source responsibly and
minimize our
supply chain risks

  • Complete the annual sustainability assessments for 100% in-scope suppliers
  • Ensure 100% of “High Risk” suppliers complete a corporate responsibility (CR) audit
  • Ensure 100% of CommScope facilities are not rated as “High Risk” during the annual Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) risk assessment review
  • Develop and initiate supplier engagement strategy to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions in our supply chain 

Our People

Leverage a collaborative,
enabled and agile workforce
to deliver business innovation

  • Activate our purpose, vision, values and CommScope NEXT strategy to drive engagement, innovation and growth
  • Drive positive talent and business outcomes through leadership, culture and positive employee experiences
  • Reinforce a diverse and inclusive culture that thrives on innovation and learning to adapt, grow and win
  • Provide meaningful well-being support to enable our employees to flourish in all ways
  • Serve as positive community citizens 

Metrics, Key Performance Indicators

Economic performance

Direct economic value generated and distributed 2023 Net Revenue
  • Connectivity and Cable Solutions (CCS)
  • Outdoor Wireless Networks (OWN)
  • Networking, Intelligence Cellular and Security (NICS)
  • Access Network Solutions (ANS)
  • Home Networks (HOME)
For further insight, view our 2023 Annual Report.

Environmental performance


CommScope achieved significant reduction in energy consumption in 2023 – a 16.8% reduction year over year driven largely by reduced production output.  Compared to our 2019 base year, we reduced energy consumption by 20.3%. 12% of purchased electricity originated from renewable sources in 2023.

Energy consumption within the organization – total fuel consumption from non-renewable sources

2023 Total Fuel 

  • Natural Gas
  • Gasoline
  • Diesel
  • Propane
  • LPG
  • LNG
  • Jet Fuel
  • Process gases

101,658 MWh

61,764 MWh
801 MWh
23,616 MWh
1,428 MWh
8,444 MWh
0 MWh
5,599 MWh
6 MWh

Energy consumption within the organization – total fuel consumption from renewable sources 2023 Total Fuel 0 MWh

Energy consumption within the organization – total electricity, heating, cooling and steam from non-renewable and renewable sources 2023 Total Electricity and Heating

  • From non-renewable sources
  • From renewable sources
252,362 MWh

222,119 MWh
30,243 MWh




Climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

2023 target:

  • Reduce our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 4% by year-end 2023 measured against our 2019 base year. [absolute GHG emissions target]
  • Reduce GHG emissions across our operations through analysis and adoption of externally approved science based GHG reduction targets (Scope 1, 2 and 3).


  • Achieved a 32.7% reduction in Scope 1+2 location-based GHG emissions compared to our 2019 base year.
  • Achieved a 36.7% reduction in Scope 1+2 market-based GHG emissions compared to our 2019 base year.
  • Achieved a 33.7% reduction in Scope 3 GHG emissions compared to our 2019 base year.
  • Achieved a 24.7% reduction in Scope 1+2 market-based GHG emissions’ intensity, normalized per head count and compared to our 2019 base year.
  • Purchased 12% of electricity originating from renewable sources in 2023. 
  • Is working towards developing long-term GHG emissions reduction targets following Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) approach.
  • Submitted a commitment letter to Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in June 2024.

In 2023, our Scope 1 (direct) GHG accounted for 0.6% of our total carbon footprint. Our Scope 2 (indirect) market-based GHG emissions, from the purchased electricity and heat, accounted for 1.3% of our total carbon footprint. Our Scope 3 (indirect) GHG emissions sources accounted for 98.1% of our total carbon footprint and include the following relevant categories as defined by the GHG Protocol:

  • upstream activities: purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel and energy related activities, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting, upstream leased assets
  • downstream activities: downstream transportation and distribution, use of sold products, end-of-life treatment of sold products, downstream leased assets

(base year)

(performance year)

Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions    68,765 m.t. CO2e 42,381 m.t. CO2e
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
138,239 m.t. CO2e 88,655 m.t. CO2e
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 10,266,597 m.t. CO2e 6,811,692 m.t. CO2e
TOTAL 10,473,601 m.t. CO2e 6,942,728 m.t. CO2e





Water Management

2023 target: At minimum, maintain 2022 water usage performance normalized by total hours worked.


  • Didn’t achieve the intensity target due to reduced production levels, resulting in reduced production hours used as a normalizing factor.
  • Increased water consumption per employee by 2% against our 2019 base year and by almost 16% compared to 2022. 
  • Achieved a 14.3% reduction in water withdrawal compared to our 2019 base year and a 12.4% reduction compared to 2022. 
Total water withdrawal

By region
2023 Total

  • North America (NAR)
  • Caribbean and Latin America (CALA)
  • Asia-Pacific (APAC)
  • Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)


552,842 m3

109,133 m3
155,042 m3
253,068 m3
35,598 m3

By source
2023 Total
  • Ground water
  • Municipal water supply

552,842 m3

66,538 m3
486,304 m3




Total number and volume of significant spills.

There were no significant spills or releases recorded at CommScope facilities in 2023.
CommScope EHS Management System definitions

Significant spill and/or release:
A significant spill or release is defined as an accidental release of any regulated or hazardous substance, physical or biological agent that may affect human health, land, vegetation or bodies of water. If the significant spill or accidental release impacts the air, water or land outside a facility and requires a designated EHS person to report the matter to any jurisdiction—or requires a third party for cleanup—it must be reported.
Waste Management

2023 target:

  • Achieve a 5% increase in waste recycled/reused/eliminated in 2023.


  • Didn’t achieve the target due to reduced production levels in 2023 which impacted the volumes of waste that could be recycled, reused or eliminated.
  • Generated 36% less operational waste compared to 2022.
  • Diverted 76.4% of nonhazardous waste and e-waste from landfills in 2023.


Social performance—labor practices and decent work, human rights

Total workforce by employment type, employment contract and region
Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region More than 26,000 employees in 2023




Global statistics by employment contract reflect the nature of employment relationship in the countries where we operate.



* Employee diversity by age is tracked for CommScope’s permanent/regular employees and internal temporary employees. In mid-2023, CommScope moved to a new tool (Employee Central) which only tracks information for employees with direct employment relationship with CommScope. Other tools/applications are used by various regions/countries for managing information about external temporary employees, these don’t include age tracking only a confirmation that workers are above the legal minimum age.

Rates of injury, lost and restricted days

In 2023 CommScope achieved a global injury rate of 0.31, 48.33% below the U.S. OSHA industry rate of 0.6.

Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and number of work-related fatalities. 2023 Injury rate 0.31
Lost and restricted (days away) rate 7.21
2023 Work-related fatalities Zero


Note 1: Injury rate was calculated based on 200,000 hours worked.
Note 2: Injury rate calculation includes fatalities as a result of work-related injury, high-consequence work-related injuries, and recordable work-related injuries.


CommScope EHS Management System definitions
An unplanned event which has had an impact and the severity of that impact is such that an evaluation is required to determine if the event shall be dealt with using internal resources, external resources and/or the ‘Corporate Crisis Management Team’.

First Aid Incident
Incident where the only treatment required by the injured person is first aid or less.

Recordable Incident
Incident that the injury/illness requires more than first aid treatment. The treatment may begin with first aid but then goes onto more advanced care.

Lost Time Incident
Incident that most likely requires more than first aid and includes:
   • At-work Restricted Work Day(s),
   • Days Away / Lost Work Day(s),
   • Injuries/Illness resulting in job transfer duties.

Death due to work related incident.

Lost Work Day(s)
Any days that an employee is unable to work because of a work-place injury. Lost Work Days are counted on the calendar year, which also includes weekends, holidays, company shut-downs etc., regardless if the employee is required to work any of these days. Subsequent days after the injury date qualify as lost time injury cases.

Restricted Work Day(s)
Restricted duty is often referred to as “modified duty” and is defined as: any modification to an employee’s job duties that he or she normally performs at least once a week, or employee inability to work a full shift (restrictions require a physician order). Restricted Work Days are counted on the calendar year, which also includes weekends, holidays, company shut-downs etc., regardless if the employee is required to work any of these days. Subsequent days after the injury date qualify as restricted/lost time injury cases.

Child labor, forced labor

Operations and significant suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of child labor, including measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labor.

Operations with significant risk in 2023 Goa, India
Delicias, Mexico
Juarez-Bermudez, Mexico
Juarez-Praderas, Mexico
Reynosa, Mexico
Tijuana, Mexico
Manaus, Brazil
Suzhou (CSA), China
Suzhou (CSC), China
Suppliers with significant risk in 2023
[by countries]
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
Europe, Middle East, Africa:
  • Turkey
 Control measures Company policies
  • Labor Policy
  • Child Labor Policy
  • Code of Ethics & Business Conduct
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
Risk Assessments
  • Company level: EcoVadis (achieved Gold CSR rating)
  • Facility level (manufacturing facilities): RBA SAQ via the RBA-Online platform. All manufacturing facilities were reviewed in 2023.
  • Suppliers: CommScope Supplier Sustainability Survey or RBA SAQ (via RBA-Online).

Internal audits — manufacturing facilities

Employee Engagement, Training and Development

Grievance Mechanism

Responsible Sourcing program

Supplier Selection and Evaluation program
This program includes supplier risk assessments (including Supplier Sustainability Survey) and on-site audits.


New and existing suppliers assessed in 2023:

Americas                                    48
Asia-Pacific                              122
Europe, Middle East, Africa     19
Total                                          189

In 2023, we screened 189 suppliers, including 100% of new suppliers. Supplier screening includes environmental and social criteria. After completing the 2023 audit process, a total of 2% of suppliers were identified as high risk. For active high-risk suppliers, we planned 2024 follow-up audits. Measures we took in the reporting period were intended to help eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labor. No incidents of forced labor, child labor, slavery or human trafficking were found.

Supplier audits/on-site assessments





Significant Risk Identification and Non-compliance

Each quarter in 2023, CommScope conducted outreach in every one of our 22 business units to evaluate any potential ethical risk, including corruption. We identified no significant risks or incidents regarding corruption.

Separately, CommScope didn’t identify any significant noncompliance with environmental, social and economic laws and/or regulations in 2023.

CommScope received no administrative complaints regarding privacy or data protection in 2023.

In March 2023, we experienced a cyber incident that resulted in minimal impact to business operations. The minimization of impacts from the attack was partially due to our historical investments in business continuity and IT system resilience. Following the event, several new systems and tools were implemented to significantly minimize the probability of additional incidents. The improvements included improved access controls, cybersecurity defenses, infrastructure security and data security. With the cyberattack and improvements made in mind, we are determined to support or help other companies in determining how they can be prepared based on our own experiences.

Recognizing excellence

We celebrate our company’s recognitions from a variety of respected organizations and publications. View the list of award-winning CommScope professionals and solutions in our Sustainability Reports and Infographics.


CommScope’s annual sustainability report (following the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and guidelines) provides information about our economic, environmental, and/or social impacts—positive or negative—toward the sustainable development goals. The report details our efforts to protect the environment, promote the health and safety of our workforce, and support the communities where we operate. You can find recent reports here.

Risk Assessment

CommScope proactively manages risk. We recently completed a corporate-level assessment using the EcoVadis platform. CommScope was awarded gold-level recognition and achieved an overall scope of 77/100, which certifies:

  • Our structured, proactive approach to corporate responsibility
  • Our established policies and processes to help tackle important issues
  • Our capacity to clearly report on selected activities and key performance indicators

Our manufacturing facilities utilize the RBA Online self-assessment questionnaire to identify risks and opportunities for improvement. We also use Entropy, our primary EHS risk assessment/management tool, to perform a variety of internal monitoring and reporting activities.

Internal Audits

CommScope routinely audits our manufacturing facilities using ISO14001, ISO45001, SA8000 and ISO26000 standards to ensure compliance to the environment, health, safety, labor and ethical business practices. Facilities in high-risk countries are audited for labor and ethical practices by our CoRe team every two years, while facilities in low-risk countries are audited every three years. Our EHS team audits environment, health and safety practices every three years using international and company standards. Each externally certified facility also maintains its own team of internal auditors.

Reporting to the Audit Committee of CommScope’s Board of Directors, our Corporate Audit and Advisory team also performs independent, objective audits of our internal processes and controls following the Institute of Internal Auditors International Professional Practices Framework.


CommScope maintains a variety of certifications based on four widely accepted industry standards.

To view a specific certification, select your preferred facility location:

Quality Management System certifications (ISO9001/TL9000):

TL9000 Multisite (TL151045.000)
Apodaca, Mexico | Catawba, NC, U.S. | Claremont, NC, U.S. | Delicias, Mexico | Goa, IndiaJuarez-Bermudez, Mexico | Juarez-Praderas, Mexico | Reynosa, Mexico | Suzhou, PRC | Tijuana, Mexico

ISO9001 Multisite (ISO111045.000)
Bangalore (ADC), IndiaBodelwyddan, U.K. | Bray, Ireland | Brno, Czech Republic | Buenos Aires, Argentina | Claremont, NC, U.S. | Suzhou, PRC | Tijuana, Mexico 

Health and Safety Management System certifications (ISO45001):

Multisite |  Bray, Ireland | Brno, Czech Republic |  Buchdorf, Germany |  Catawba, NC, U.S. |  Claremont, NC, U.S. |  Delicias, Mexico |  Euless, TX, U.S.Goa, India Juarez-Bermudez, Mexico |  Juarez-Praderas, MexicoMalton, U.K.  |  Reynosa, Mexico |  Rhyl, U.K. |  Suzhou (CSA), PRC |  Suzhou (CSC), PRC |  Tijuana, Mexico  |  Warrington, U.K.

Environmental Management System certifications (ISO14001):

Multisite |  Bray, Ireland |  Brno, Czech Republic |  Burchdorf, Germany |  Catawba, NC, U.S. |  Claremont, NC, U.S. |  Delicias, Mexico |  Euless, TX, U.S. |  Goa, India Juarez-Bermudez, Mexico |  Juarez-Praderas, Mexico |  Malton, U.K.  |  Reynosa, Mexico |  Rhyl, U.K. |  Suzhou (CSC), PRC |  Suzhou (CSA), PRCTijuana, Mexico  |  Warrington, U.K.