CommScope’s FEC Wall Mount Frame provides splicing, administration and storage for outside plant (OSP) and intrafacility cables (IFC). The cabinets are designed for deployment in a building equipment area and offers a cost-effective, space-saving alternative to splicing on the fiber frame. Equipped with splice drawers and available in several configurations, the FEC’s largest configuration accommodates up to 3456 stranded fibers or 10,368 ribbon fibers. Bend radius protection and discrete subunit routing paths ensure easy access and prevent excess attenuation. The FEC cabinets accommodates a wide variety of cable types and splicing methods.
The FEC Floor Mounted Frame is a zone 4 rated, high-density splice solution housing stranded fiber splices and ribbon fiber splices within a 24” W x 12” D X 7’ H. Shipped complete with the necessary cable management, it features slots which secure and protect the round splice trays and can hold up to sixty splice trays on each vertical. The cabinet is shipped with lockable front doors and may be ordered for applications in which the cables enter from above or below.
- Density
- Space efficiency
- Flexibility
- Accessibility
- Installer-friendlyRobust
TECP-31-107 FST-XD-MT and FOSC-450C Splice Trays for FEC-36 Cabinet
ADCP-93-031 Fiber Entrance Cabinet (FEC)
Brochure: Building Entrance Facility Solutions™
A building entrance cabinet is a critical piece of an advanced design is the building entrance termination point, where the OSP and IFC cables are joined, managed, distributed and protected.

Fiber Entrance Cabinet FEC Installation Instructions