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Pre-terminated Propel Cabled Modules available in all module sizes and fiber counts up to 288 fibers

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Product Variants

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Features and Benefits
Propel Cabled Modules provide a pre-terminated solution for simplified and efficient installation. They are available in all of the Propel module sizes on End A and End B can be another Propel module, MPO or stub.

Cable fiber counts range from 8 fibers – 288 fibers and cable lengths from 1 meter – 400 meters. Short cable lengths within rack can use patch cord cable for easy routing within the rack and longer lengths use ruggedized trunk cable.
  • Pre-cabled modules on End A reduces signal loss
  • Pre-cabled modules can be installed from rear of panel
  • Serialized QR code provides easy access to factory optical test results

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Portfolio CommScope®
Product Type Fiber cabled module
Product Brand Propel
Product Series PPL

General Specifications

Interface, front LC/UPC | SN/UPC
Interface, rear LC/UPC | MPO | SN/UPC | Stub

Optical Specifications

Fiber Mode Multimode | Singlemode
Fiber Type OM4 | OM5 | OS2

Environmental Specifications

Qualification Standards IEC 61753-1 | TIA-568.3-D
Safety Standard c-UL-us

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Portfolio CommScope®
Product Type Fiber cabled module
Product Brand Propel
Product Series PPL

General Specifications

Interface, front LC/UPC | SN/UPC
Interface, rear LC/UPC | MPO | SN/UPC | Stub

Optical Specifications

Fiber Mode Multimode | Singlemode
Fiber Type OM4 | OM5 | OS2

Environmental Specifications

Qualification Standards IEC 61753-1 | TIA-568.3-D
Safety Standard c-UL-us

Product Specification

Product Specification