Services for video processing and delivery
Transforming the viewing experience
The IP video delivery landscape is always changing. Evolving current networks and service platforms to meet the ever-increasing demand for video is one of the biggest challenges you face as a service provider. As industry leaders, our innovation and experience in IP video are second to none, keeping you ahead of the competition in the areas of IPTV evolution, network DVR, OTT, cloud-based video and advertising.
Working together to hone your strategies and define priorities, we answer the many business and technical questions that come with the transition to IP video. The result is a custom solution using the best CommScope and/or third-party products and a practical roadmap to meet your needs today and evolve elegantly to your future.
Leverage our expertise to:
- Evaluate the best approach to IP video evolution
- Master integrate multi-vendor video solutions
- Develop custom software for user interfaces, mobile apps and OTT viewing experiences
- Lab test new end-to-end solutions and ensure interoperability of CPE
- Host critical video capabilities in world-class data centers
- Deliver custom video processing and distribution systems
- Capitalize on unique opportunities with personalized content delivery
- Integrate, customize, implement and support Android TV™ solutions and others!

Answering the call for an all-new TV experience
Case Study
With consumers demanding video anywhere, anytime, on any device, service providers have been racing to give them what they want—when and where they want it. When a major Latin American provider decided it was time to launch a new TV experience to its subscribers, their first choice was CommScope.
Working as the master systems integrator, we designed, tested and implemented a robust, multi-vendor platform that enabled the provider to deploy a new content delivery network (CDN) and an all-new user interface to their subscribers for easy access to live and on-demand video.
Featured resources
Advertising discovery services
Data Sheet
CommScope provides services to investigate, assess and plan for monetization of premium video with targeted advertising.
Additional resources
Data Sheet: Advertising Discovery Services
CommScope provides services to investigate, assesss and plan for monetiziation of premium video with targeted advertising.
Case Study: Weather Group Storms into Personalized, Local Content
This case study describes a uniqe and complex multi-vendor integration project that CommScope led for The Weather Channel to offer "personalized channels."
Professional Services - National Authorization Service - Regional Access Controller (NAS-RAC) Data Sheet
Data Sheet: Professional Services - OTT Personalized Channels
Data Sheet: Professional Services - Network DVR (nDVR) Solutions
Data Sheet: Professional Services - Services for Android TV
Data Sheet: Advertising Discovery Services
CommScope provides services to investigate, assesss and plan for monetiziation of premium video with targeted advertising.
Case Study: Weather Group Storms into Personalized, Local Content
This case study describes a uniqe and complex multi-vendor integration project that CommScope led for The Weather Channel to offer "personalized channels."
Professional Services - National Authorization Service - Regional Access Controller (NAS-RAC) Data Sheet
Data Sheet: Professional Services - OTT Personalized Channels
Data Sheet: Professional Services - Network DVR (nDVR) Solutions
Data Sheet: Professional Services - Services for Android TV