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800-SERIES-OLT | PON Evo™ 800 Series OLT

  • Available in:
  • Asia
  • Australia/New Zealand
  • EMEA
  • Latin America
  • North America

8-PON Port 1RU OLT

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Features and Benefits
The PON Evo™ 800 Series OLT is a next-generation OLT system. Part of CommScope's central office connectivity portfolio, the 800 series provides ultra-high bandwidth services across low-density geographic areas, supporting rural and corporate environments to comprehensively address the entire access network. It serves both B2C and B2B markets, meeting the needs of Residential, Business, and Mobile customer segments.

The PON Evo 800 Series OLT complies with all the relevant ITU technology standards, such as GPON (ITU-T G.984.x) and XGS-PON (ITU-T G.9807.1), using Multi-PON-Module (MPM) optical interfaces. Each PON port may serve up to 128 Optical Network Terminals (ONTs), assuming a maximum splitting ratio of 1:128.
The PON Evo 800 Series OLT is a carrier-grade, high-availability OLT with carrier-grade performance designed to support extended temperature ranges, making it suitable to be deployed in Outside Plant (OSP) cabinets in even the harshest environments.

Type B protection is available for the subscriber side, while for the network side, star and ring topologies are available with multiple 1/10GE and/or 100GE optical interfaces. These interfaces are supported by the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LAG/LACP) and the Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS ITU-T G.8032) protocol.
  • Ultra-High Bandwidth:
  • 100GE Uplink Interface
  • High Availability:
  • LAG/LACP Uplink Protection
  • ERPS ITU-T G.8032 Protection
  • Type B protection for the ODN domain
  • Virtualization and Slicing:
  • Seamless migration toward a fully Virtualized network environment
  • Several virtual network operators can share infrastructure

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Product Type OLT shelf

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Product Type OLT shelf