CommScope offers a number of reliable passive devices for your RF networks. Our coaxial couplers, splitters and taps are manufactured to the highest standards to ensure that active components in the network function efficiently and effectively.
We pay special attention to soldering, sealing, and the use of non-ferric-based designs to prevent network interference such as passive intermodulation (PIM), which can be caused by corrosion, oxidation and insufficient contact pressure.
Ordering Guide: In-Building Wireless Passive Products and Antennas
Guide to antennas, splitters, couplers and other passive products for in-building wireless applications.
Brochure: Coaxial Solutions
This brochure highlights CommScope's commitment to coax over the years and coax's continued use into the future.
Reference Guide: RF Connectivity
An at a glance document that highlights RF Connectivity coaxial amplifiers, passive gateways, splitters, directional couplers, grounding solutions and more.